قصص مغربية : نبض القلب

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Books & Reference


How come every morning of the new year is on the same date and at exactly 6:00Ali Atro, the daughter of Zuwaina, the angel on the face of the earth, became drowsy like a lazy person until the sun that penetrated her throat and anus hit her, so her blue eyes, with a quick movement from her, covered them with her hands and began to see for a while that she was getting used to the light in the room. She remained for 5 minutes lying in her bed, thinking about where she was, and Sarat was back with her for the day. With her slippers on, she got up and went into the bathroom happily. She had done what she needed, and on her face was her usual smile that had never disappeared from her face at all. She changed her clothes and went out like she was always running like this. This is the same date. She turns to the door of the house and turns when something urgent comes from someone who is accustomed to sending small gifts. She turns from here to there and then to another building for her. I returned disappointed to the residence in Tsolo...